investing · The book

Podcast Mania!!!!

Not me

I’ve been invited on A LOT of podcasts recently-like losing my voice a lot. I’m profoundly grateful to all the hosts helping me to get the message out about the book on small investors and GameStop mania. The great thing is that they’re all different because the audiences and hosts differ. Here’s a wrap – so far.

New Books Network interviewer Daniel Peris, who is a fund manager, dissected the whole crazy story without getting too technical. His questions were sharp and it looks like he has some great episodes on politics and history. He’s a Russian politics buff and we had a great chat about that after the podcast ended.

Personal finance specialist Rick Ferri had me on the Bogleheads on Investing podcast. The Bogleheads are acolytes of the late Jack Bogle, a pioneer of passive investing and the founder of Vanguard. Bogle has literally saved Americans, and cost Wall Street, tens of billions of dollars. If you want a methodical explanation of what happened and who’s who in this story then this is your best listen.

The multitalented James Altucher, who used to be both a day trader and hedge fund manager, has a great podcast that I’ve listened to for years on and off. It was a thrill to be a guest. His questions were rapid fire and they kept me on my feet. If you’re not into hearing me drone on too long then this is the one you want.

Veteran financial journalist Roben Farzad had me on Full-Disclosure Radio, which also runs on some NPR stations. He understands this stuff inside and out and it was a very relaxing talk for me – so relaxing that I made a Freudian slip and called GameStop “Blockbuster.” Oops. As an extra bonus, he also interviewed The Mulligan Brothers, the filmmakers behind the upcoming documentary “Apes Together Strong.”